The purpose of this web site is to proclaim and exalt the Name of our Creator and Father, YaHuWaH, and His Manifestation as The Living and Saving Word - YaHuWSHuWaH! 

Restored Name King James Version
The Restored Name King James Version (Large Text)

Bible Verses: The Scriptures
To Read The Word with the correct Name of our Father and Messiah put back in where They belong. At the following link, look for the SCRIPTURES version, click on Downloads, click on Free Scriptures Downloads.

The Story of Passover
Take your own journey from bondage to freedom through the account of our Heavenly Father bringing the children of Israel out from Slavery in Egypt, as written in the book of Exodus.

Followers of Yah!
Our Mission is to spread the (Besorah), The Good News of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the only brought forth Son of Yahuwah (Yah-hoo-wah)!

e-Sword Bible Program
e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. This Bible program is available from e-Sword here. 